Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 211

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Day 211 - Just a quick post of Bailey's adventure in getting the pins out of his elbow...

Bay didn't want to look when the tech unwrapped his cast, so he asked if he could be blindfolded!  I told him they don't blindfold people for this but then the tech rips off a piece of bandage and makes Bay a blindfold!  Quite the site!

Bay took a quick peek before the doctor pulled the pins out
(the pins are the silver looking things on his elbow that are bent in an L-shape)

Just before the doctor pulled the pins Bay laid back on the table and didn't say a word.  The doctor was actually laughing as he had never taken pins out of a child who was voluntarily blindfolded!  Bay did offer a few "Ow! that hurts!" but overall he was a trooper, so much so that after the pins were out he proclaimed, "Daddy, I'm so proud of myself!"  I'm proud of you too Bay!

Thank you for all your prayers.  It's days like today when needing Leigh's help, comfort, wisdom, and companionship is ever heightened.  Just another reminder that even "small" events like getting pins out will have to be done without my wife.  Still getting used to this new life.

"Father, thank You for taking care of Bailey today.  Pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things but we needed things to to smoothly and they did.  Thank You."

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