Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 188

Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Day 188 - Peggy brought Bay and Malia to my classroom yesterday to share some lunch with me.  As we were eating several of my students came to Bailey and asked if they could sign his cast.  Imagine that.  Several high school students wanting to sign the cast of a six-year old?!  These students were simply being nice to my son.  They'll never know how much it meant to me that they would reach out to him. 

God could have placed me anywhere this year knowing what kind of year I was going to have.  He chose to put me at Valley Christian High School and I can say with confidence it was a brilliant choice.  The staff and students are beyond caring, kind, and encouraging to me.  I feel the body of Christ, in an "Acts" type-way, most every day I step on campus.  I can't imagine another place/group of people that could minister to me and the kids better than my VCHS family.  Thank you all.

Prayer Requests:
- Preaching tomorrow.  Prayers that I don't screw up :)
- Prayers for Bay as he now realizes having a cast isn't all it's cracked up to be.
- Prayers for all who are struggling today because of the loved ones they lost nine years ago on 9/11.

"Father, You do know best.  Thank You for guiding my path three years ago to Valley Christian.  You knew I'd need them this year.  Thank You for young adults who love You and express that love in so many ways to me and the kids.  Thank You for co-workers who see me more as a brother in Christ than a co-worker.  Thank You for surrounding me with people who care more about my life than my abilities.  Thank You for loving me through others."

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