Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 215

Friday, October 8th, 2010

Day 215 - Gravestone

Leigh Ann's gravestone arrived and was placed yesterday.  Some pictures...

Prayer Requests:
- My mother, Judy, had to go to the hospital yesterday because her doctor found a mass (size of a thumb) in the bottom of her stomach.  Please pray as they run tests to determine what it is.

"Father, thank You for Leigh Ann's life.  There's nothing I want more than to have her back with us, but Your will be done.  Thank You that we can celebrate her life because it was so well lived.  Please tell her how much we love her, miss her, and can't wait to see her again."


  1. Greg, that is an awesome testimony on her tombstone.. I will be praying for your mom, and as always continue to pray for you and the kids..
