Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 116

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 116 - Returned from our trip to San Diego.  Two major components included:  Time at the Beach (La Jolla) and the San Diego Zoo.  The kids and I travelled with Leigh's parents, Leigh's brother and his family, and Leigh's sister, Reagan.  Obviously, the only person missing was Leigh. 

Aside from wanting a little more sun (cloudy all four days), there was nothing we should have done different.  We all had a good time, as good as could be.  Went running along the beach one morning and couldn't help but praise God for the wonderful beauty in His creation.  In fact, His workings could be seen everywhere I looked.  It's not hard to praise Him when you look at miles of beach and then remember that His thoughts toward us "outnumber the sand." (Psalm 139:18). Really?  God thinks about us that much?!  I remember walking throughout the zoo and thanking God for the great diversity in His creatures.  What creativity He has!

Caden and I listened to an audio book while driving to and from San Diego - Deadline, by Randy Alcorn.  A great read.  Christian fiction involving crime, murder, and salvation.  One of the best parts of the book is listening to what one of Alcorn's character experiences in Heaven.  The author uses the Bible as the foundation for all his thoughts on Heaven so I was engrossed with this book while passing through Gila Bend, Yuma, etc.  Through tears, I was all the more confident that Leigh Ann is well taken care of, she is with her Savior, she is experiencing the fullness of life, and we will see each other again. 

With that said, there was no doubt Leigh was sorely missed on this trip.  Everyone would have given anything on the planet to have her with us, enjoying the beach, playing with her kids in the ocean, laughing with her family, exploring the zoo with people she loved.  But such will never be the case this side of Heaven.  So we'll continue to make new memories the best we know how. 

Some of those memories...

1 comment:

  1. You seriously take great pictures of the kids! Thank you so much for sharing your trip. No doubt Leigh is experiencing beauty beyond measure, glad you could experience some of His creation at the beach. Can't wait to read the book!
