Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 258

Saturday, November 20th, 2010

Tomorrow we'll celebrate Caden's 11th birthday.  Last night I took him on a father/son dinner/movie birthday night...
Caden's new favorite food...ribs!

Needless to say he was very excited!

It was a special night for the two of us.  Some much needed father/son alone time.  I don't do that nearly as much as I should. 

Tonight was spent over Grandma Peggy's celebrating her birthday.  A whirlwind of events that are in desperate need of Leigh Ann.  She has been on my mind a lot, I'm guessing because of all of the times family has gotten together recently.  When the parties are over I think of how much different they'd be if she could have been with us.  How much happier we'd all be, how different our conversations would be, how much more "normal" we'd all feel. 

I was cleaning out the garage today and came across Leigh's day planner.  It was with her the night she died and someone had put it in a plastic bag because it had been doused with gasoline.  I flipped through it and landed on March 6th where she had written, "Leigh Work."  I stared at those words and thought, "If only she didn't have to go to work that day.  If only someone had offered to take her shift.  If only she weren't feeling well and had to take a sick day."  God is sovereign and March 6th was her time to join Him in Heaven.  I know that.  But if there ever was a time when I wanted to change His sovereign plan it was this morning.  Life is simply too hard and not the same without her. 

Prayer Requests:
- Prayers for Caden and the family as we celebrate his birthday.
- Prayers that I would lead my family in being sensitive to those in need especially during this time of year.

"Father, I simply don't understand why Leigh Ann had to die when she meant the world to so many of us?  Why couldn't she have lived a long life?  Why did she have to go to work that day?  Please help Caden enjoy his birthday without his mother.  Please help all of us be at peace tomorrow.  Show us how to do life without a mother, daughter, wife, sister."

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