Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 297

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

Day 297 - The kids and I departed on the 26th to spend a few days with Leigh's side of the family up in Flagstaff.  It was a time to spend together as a family, make some new memories, relax, and enjoy the snow...

I got home a day before the kids so I had some time alone.  I stopped by a Christian bookstore and picked up a book knowing when I got home the house would be pretty quiet.  I wasn't looking for anything in particular but God has a way of leading us to exactly what we need doesn't He?  I picked up a copy of, Heaven is For Real, by Todd Burpo and when I got home I read it cover to cover. 

Todd's son Colton was 3 1/2 years old when his appendix burst but went undetected for five days.  Colton had emergency surgery and miraculously survived.  While being operated on he apparently had visited Heaven.  The book is a recollection of several conversations Todd had with Colton regarding his experiences.

I've read a few books on Heaven (I especially recommend Heaven by Randy Alcorn) and am cautious when reading NDE's (Near Death Experiences) because I want to stay true to God's Word.  And though we'll never know for sure until we see Jesus face to face, I was greatly comforted with what this child had to share.  All of his accounts were consistent with biblical truths.

I filtered every word through the reality of Leigh Ann being in Heaven and what she might be experiencing.  I found myself reading with excitement, hope, and a renewed strength/faith.  I was reminded that our life on Earth doesn't end but it continues on in a wonderful place populated with loved ones, angels, animals, and of course the Trinity. 

It's been a long, somewhat sad holiday season and this spiritual "pick-me-up" was exactly what I needed.  Leigh Ann is alive in Heaven!  There is joy, laughter, worship, and love where she is!  There is a Heavenly Father who is loving on His kids and comforting them in a way humans never could.  There is a Savior who is preparing a place for all those who will say "yes" to Him.  There are angels preparing for a battle that will end in victory!

Colton said he saw his sister in Heaven.  When told his sister is still living he responded, "my other sister."  The Burpos had experienced a miscarriage and Colton was explaining to mom/dad that his "other sister" is alive and well and waiting for them!  In addition to our three children, Leigh and I experienced a miscarriage several years ago.  Could it be that Leigh Ann is in Heaven with our fourth child?!   

Yes the days continue to be long without Leigh but I was reminded of how wonderful her surroundings are and how wonderful my surroundings will be one day!

"And He who sits on the throne said, 'Behold I am making all things new." Revelation 21:5

The life we're living is not in vain.  It all matters and all the pain and suffering will one day come to an end.  Until then may each of us live with eternal hope!

"Father, thank You for this reminder of how much You love us.  Thank You for the reminder that Heaven is real.  Thank You for picking me up out of my helplessness and moving me into a place of joy, even if it's just for today."


  1. Good Morning, I will purchase that book this weekend, and read it, it sounds good. Also the Pics were cute of you and your children, they are so LUCKY to have you.

  2. I love the pictures of your kiddos Greg…you have become quite the photographer at capturing the essence of each child.

    We had a friend pass away this past week after a battle with Melanoma (he was only 42) and right after he was pronounced dead, all the people in the room will attest to the fact that he smiled. Smiling as if he met Jesus at that precise moment. What a testimony of heaven’s reality indeed! Thanks for sharing your heart, your hurts, your joys…you inspire us all!
